Valentine’s Day is on the horizon, so we’ve put together a list of our staff’s favourite kid-friendly crafts for Valentine’s Day! Set aside some time for crafts on the Valentine’s Day/Family Day long weekend and have some fun creating cute crafts mostly made from readily available household items!
Making crafts is also a great way to develop your children’s motor skills and may even spark some creativity or a love for the arts in the process! You can even schedule a video call so your children can have a virtual play date with a friend or two as they make the crafts together!
1. Guirlande de Coeurs – Tete a Modeler 
Our first craft, which comes to us courtesy of a wonderful little French crafts website called Tete A Modeler, is nice and simple, so if you forgot to prepare, this one works great as a last-minute option as well! First, cut out a long piece of pink or red paper and fold it over itself in small rectangles. The longer the paper, the more folds you’ll need, and therefore the more hearts you’ll have! After you’re done folding, draw a heart on the top section of paper with the top left and right corners somewhat missing. Then, grab a pair of scissors and cut around the heart tracing on your folded paper. Unfold your folded hearts and voila, you’ve got yourself a lovely heart-shaped garland to hang on the wall or put on a table as a decoration. Take it a step further by writing a little message each time you fold the paper over!
2. Origami Heart – Origami + 
Our next craft may seem a little more complex than the heart garland, but if you take your time and follow the steps, origami really isn’t all that difficult, at least, this origami craft isn’t. Coming to us from some experts on the subject—Origami+—this is not only a craft that you can easily do with your little ones but also one that you will feel a certain level of pride after completing. It’s not often that simple projects come out as pretty and polished as this 16-step origami heart craft. Click the link in the craft’s title or corresponding Origami+ photo to find the full step-by-step break down of when and where to fold to make your heart as beautiful as the one in the photo! If you and your children are more visual learners, there’s a video tutorial on that page explaining how to make this heart origami craft for kids.
3. Heart Dog – Crafty Morning 
Here, we have a fun little Valentine’s Day art project that will be especially good for children that love animals and/or dogs from craft blog Crafty Morning. To put this cute little crafty pup together, start by cutting a large heart out of a white piece of paper for the dog’s head, then, cut out two smaller hearts for the ears and a small tongue from pink paper. Grab some glue and stick the ears and tongue where they’re supposed to go on the dog’s face, then grab a pair of googly eyes, two white pom-poms, and one black pom-pom to serve as the eyes, whiskers, and nose, respectively. The colours are not set in stone though, so if you have a dog or your children like a certain breed of pup, you can choose different colours to fit that vision!
4. Little Love Birds – Mas & Pas 
If dogs don’t tickle your fancy, then maybe these cute little love birdie Valentine’s Day crafts will interest you and your children. From parenting website Mas & Pas, this craft needs a few more materials than our other options. For this little project, you will need paper plates, acrylic paints and brushes, scissors, glue, construction paper, and the all-important googly eyes. First, cut your paper plates in half and paint them whatever colour you prefer, this is the body of your bird. Once it’s dry you can paint some little designs on your birdies, then cut out the wings, beak, and legs from construction paper as seen in the photo and glue them along with the googly eyes onto the plate! And there you are, you’ve got a lovey-dovey birdie kid-friendly craft!
5. Paper Plate Heart Wreath – Sunshine Whispers
Our fifth and final Valentine’s Day craft for kids comes to us from family blog Sunshine Whispers and is not only beautiful but exceedingly simple as well! All you and your kiddies will need to make yourselves a beautiful wreath of hearts for Valentine’s Day is a red paper plate, some heart-shaped felt stickers, maybe some glue, and pink ribbon. Start by cutting out the centre of your paper plate. Next, you’ll start sticking your felt hearts all around the plate, bigger hearts on the bottom, smaller hearts on top. If you don’t have stickers, you can cut your hearts out of felt sheets and use the glue to stick them to the plate. Once you’ve filled the wreath in as much as you and your children want, attach your pink ribbon to the back and just like that you’ve got a cute Valentine’s Day decoration made by you and your children ready to be hung up in your home!
If you do try any of these crafts—or decided to create your own designs—be sure to share the experience and or final product with us on our socials, we’d love to see how you and your children do with these lovey-dovey crafts!