French Skills Developed at Camp Tournesol

develop french skills at camp


Each week at camp, we strive to ensure that our campers at French summer camps fun while improving their French.

We work very hard to ensure that the activities and games that take place for campers are enjoyable, reflect the interests of the campers, and can be used to help campers practice their French language skills.

But how can you expect your child’s French skills to develop while attending Camp Tournesol?

We break down language acquisition for our campers in our French Day Camp (ages 6-12) here:


French Lessons


Each day, we have a French language specific module.

French campers are grouped with peers of the same age, ensuring that the lessons are perfectly in sync with their grade level.

Lessons include everything from semantics, syntax and vocabulary to comprehensive reading and writing skills.

These lessons will delve into the building blocks of language as we focus not only on oral fluidity but also on mastering the art of building a well-structured French sentence. Through dynamic lessons and interactive exercises, campers will navigate the intricacies of proper syntax and semantics,  building on a solid foundation for future language proficiency.

Read how we use Badges to positively reinforce French here.


Active Play and



Cooperation games are great to create a positive environment amongst campers, so that they are comfortable taking risks to speak in French amongst their peers. These games are specifically selected to have children working together, and in order to succeed they need to communicate! As the group works together to accomplish the task, campers learn new vocabulary (for example, the body parts or sports specific language), sentence structures, and different ways of expressing the same idea from their peers, which can greatly improve their language learning. Active modules also contribute to  helping develop their listening skills as they learn how to play each game. 



Board games


Board games are another great opportunity for campers to interact with their peers and benefit from the language being spoken around them. What is unique about the games played is that the games played really come second to the conversations the campers amongst themselves. The conversations are spontaneous and authentic, as per the Ontario French curriculum. Campers will also be introduced to board game specific vocabulary (like shuffling the cards = “brasser les cartes”) that they can use to succeed in game play.





Think of this module as a prep to Talent Show!

Our creativity module is all about taking what the students know and what they enjoy, and making something new! Campers will work together to create a performance of some sort, drawing on their new French vocabulary and everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking recognizes the importance of learning by doing and theorizes that children learn more easily when they use the skills to create something new. Campers will develop their confidence in using their French skills as they develop the presentation, and then ultimately present it on Friday!


Bricolage (arts and crafts)


During this period, campers listen actively in French, honing their listening skills as they follow the directions to complete the craft of the day. As they follow each step, campers are exposed to transition words (e.g. first do this, the next step is). Gestures and objects are also used to introduce campers to new vocabulary (e.g. the counsellor will fold the piece of paper and say “tu plies le papier” to introduce the verb “plier”) that is necessary to complete the craft.


Camp Activities: imaginary campfire, water days and festivals


Each week, the French campers will participate in several FUN typical camp activities. On Monday, we end the day with an imaginary campfire where the counsellors will lead the children in typical folklore sign along songs! They will learn new words and traditional French campfire songs.
Thursday is our water day! Splishing and splashing, the campers will have loads of fun getting wet while learning new vocabulary.

Friday is our festival, where they will present their talent show – practicing public speaking skills and French vocabulary. They will be treated to freezees, optional pizza day and challenge each other in obstacle course and various games, all while learning new vocabulary and practicing oral fluidity. 

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