How to keep kids active during the winter

keep kids active in winter

It’s easy to make sure your child is staying active during the warm summer months when they’re more than enthusiastic to play outside. Keeping them active during a cold and snowy winter is a different story, but it’s just as important! That’s why we’ve created this list of  winter activities – both indoor and outdoor […]

Getting Rid of First Day Jitters

getting rid of first day jitters

In a previous blog, we’ve talked about how parents can help their children prepare for the first day of camp, by helping them review their schedule, listening to their worries, reminding them they aren’t alone, creating a goodbye ritual, and taking your time in the morning. Anxiety of the unknown, however, is still very real, […]

French Skills Developed at Camp Tournesol

develop french skills at camp

    Each week at camp, we strive to ensure that our campers at French summer camps fun while improving their French. We work very hard to ensure that the activities and games that take place for campers are enjoyable, reflect the interests of the campers, and can be used to help campers practice their […]

15 Jobs that Require French Speaking Skills

jobs that require french speaking skills

Many parents wonder how their child’s future will  impacted by jobs requiring french language skills. The truth is that when you decide to put your child in a French immersion or extended French program, you are opening up a plethora of job opportunities in their future. There’s no doubt that speaking more than one language, […]

How To Text In French

texting in french

Remember when you had to click a number on your cellphone keypad three times just to type one letter? Maybe your child isn’t even aware that it was ever so frustrating to text, but they’ve kept the tradition of shortening every. Single. Phrase. ‘I don’t know’ becomes ‘idk’, ‘to be honest’ becomes ‘tbh’, and of […]

Playing Sports In French? 100 Words Your Child Should Know – Part 1 Individual Sports

playing sports in french

Individual sports are ideal for building your child’s independence and ambition. Many studies show that playing sports can greatly improve a child’s self esteem as well. With all these benefits, it’s clear that your child should continue to play their favourite sports. In the classroom, your child is working hard to become fluent in French; and […]

FREE French Activities Workbook for The Summer!

free french activities workbook for summer

Summer. Is. Here. And so is our French workbook featuring all things SUMMER! We know you’re excited for the longer days and the warmer temperatures. We also know that children everywhere are ecstatic about summer break! French learning doesn’t have to end when the school year does, though. Besides running our awesome French summer camps […]

5 Songs To Help Young Learners Master French

songs to help master french

Written by: Martine Brouillet Your child is learning French and although they’re enjoying it, they sometimes get discouraged with the challenge in remembering words. We know that learning a new language is difficult, and that remembering the new vocabulary and verbs is one of the hardest aspect. This is where French songs come in! At […]

French Growth in the summer? Here’s How

french growth in the summer

Making the decision to send your child to French camp is a big one. Your child is in French immersion school all year, do they really need to spend precious summer weeks in French?  The real question is WHY NOT? The key is to find a French camp that is both fun and educational, so […]

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