FREE French Workbook – “L’école”

School is a huge part of almost every child’s life. It’s where they spend most of their days and develop their understanding of the world. So we think it’s pretty important for any French learner to be able to navigate this environment fluently in French! That’s why we’ve created a free school themed workbook in […]
FREE French Workbook – “La Metéo”

The school year is slowly coming to a close and kids everywhere are beaming at the idea of summer vacation (finally!). But, that doesn’t mean that French learning has to stop! Our mission at Camp Tournesol is to show children who are learning French that it’s not only a subject at school, but a daily […]
How to keep kids active during the winter

It’s easy to make sure your child is staying active during the warm summer months when they’re more than enthusiastic to play outside. Keeping them active during a cold and snowy winter is a different story, but it’s just as important! That’s why we’ve created this list of winter activities – both indoor and outdoor […]
Don’t Speak French? 5 Tips To Support Your French Immersion Student

Greater concentration, more job opportunities and higher pay are just some of the benefits of learning a second language. And naturally, you wanted your child to enjoy some of those perks so you enrolled him or her in French Immersion. But there’s just one problem… …You don’t speak French. So how can you support your […]
Homework: Keep it, Trash it, or Reinvent it

Ah yes, homework: the never-ending source of tension and discussion between parents and children. If you’ve heard bits and pieces of the new homework debate, then you’ll definitely want to read today’s post for highlights of the new discussions and homework trends in classrooms around the GTA. Now more than ever, there is a new […]
Top Picks: Helping Your Child Practice French At Every Age
“I’m worried my child will fall behind…how can I motivate my child to practice French?” It’s one of the most common questions I get asked from parents just like you who are looking for fun and effective methods to help their children preserve their French while school’s out. First, let me just start by […]