French Books for Kids about Leadership

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Learning about leadership through books…

There are many important qualities we look to foster in our children, and one of the most important ones is leadership. It’s much easier to fall back into a follower role rather than forging a path as a leader, and while some personality traits are more suited to different children, it’s still important to teach kids about what it takes to be a leader and how they can nurture leadership qualities.


One of the best ways to learn is through reading, and learning about leadership is no different. It’s tough to find French books dedicated to the idea of building a young leader, so we at Camp Tournesol have done the job for you by scouring the libraries of the internet for French books for kids that can help children understand what it means to be a leader. 


Whether it’s working on communication with others, listening to the ideas and feedback of others, making them feel heard and valuable, showing compassion and understanding, learning the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates, or understanding your own strengths and limitations as a person and leader, these French books about leadership will be a boon for future bilingual leaders!

TOP 10 Books about Leadership for Kids in French

1.Wapi LeWapiti Et Le Hockey Sur Glace Au Chocolat by Chloe Baillargeon – Ages 4 to 8

This fun little story follows a moose named Wapi LeWapiti during his home village of Sixbouleaux’s Snowball Festival. Wapi loves the Snowball Festival but there is one activity in particular that he is very excited for: the hockey match. We follow Wapi as he attempts to lead his team to their first Snowball Festival victory. Wapi is the captain of the team and can help teach kids about what it takes to be a leader and have success in an athletic setting.

2. Amis Instantanes by Heather M. O’Connor – Ages 4 to 8

Here, we follow Tyson as he speeds through life, whether it’s his classwork or his lunch. At recess he can zoom about as fast he really wants, but in doing so he leaves the rest of the kids behind, leaving him no one to play with. When Suze arrives in his class, Tyson believes he may have found someone he can bond with because while Suze uses a wheelchair, she loves speed just like Tyson! This story teaches kids about how being inclusive and valuing others is an important part of being a leader and why sometimes it’s okay to slow yourself down to allow your teammates to participate with you!

3. Karim Le Kaki by Katia Canciani & Christine Battuz – Ages 5 to 6

Karim Le Kaki by Katia Canciani & Christine Battuz book cover

Part of a larger series called Mon Meilleur Ami, this book follows Karim as he battles through obstacles as a newly arrived immigrant. Most of his classmates bully him because he’s different, but Karim’s friend Felix teaches us an important lesson about inclusivity, finding the strengths in those around you, and helping those people to find those talents and nurture them. It also teaches kids an important lesson about another important part of being a leader: standing up when you see something bad or wrong being done to another.

4. Ils Ne Veulent Pas Jouer Avec Moi!!! By Andree Poulin – Ages 5 to 6

In this story we follow Fanfan the pink flamingo in a book that is equal parts important lessons and humor. Fanfan is looking to show Zac and Paco the panda and zebra that pink can coexist with black and white, and he has a few fun tricks up his sleeve to show them the errors of their ways. Fanfan teaches kids that their own unique quirks are nothing to be ashamed of but instead celebrated, with self-confidence being a key component in leadership. It also shows kids how they can lead others by teaching them important lessons in a fun and respectful way.

5.Fort Comme Ulysses by Sylvaine Jaoui – Ages 7 to 9

This book follows the life of Elliott, a child dealing with blindness and the mean treatment he receives from other kids due to his affliction. Elliott is able to build confidence with the help of one of the most famous and accomplished leaders in history, Ulysses of the Greek myths, and his friend Esperance, who always has his back. This is another important lesson about how leaders can inspire both themselves and others, how crucial it is for a leader not to discriminate, and the importance of supporting the people around you.

6.Le Jour Ou On A Manger Tous Ensemble by Thierry Lenain – Ages 7 to 9

This French book for kids revolves around a clever allegory about acceptance and tolerance, two important aspects of being a good leader. The class is to have a picnic where each student brings a different food, but with the dietary restrictions of some, it could have become a hotbed for intolerance. Instead, children learn about the importance of tolerance and respect for the cultures of others when in a group setting. It’s also a good example of how team-bonding activities can bring a group of people closer together.

7. La Neige Parfaite by Barbara Reid – Ages 7 to 9

la neige parfaite book cover

This winter-themed French book about leadership is all about the benefits of working together to achieve a common goal, which is an integral lesson for young leaders to learn and understand. When the children spill out for recess, they’re greeted by wonderfully perfect packing snow and we follow them as they learn that they can build something much greater together than any of them could do on their own. Fostering good teamwork is a big part of being a good leader, and this book helps children understand that.

8. Veux-Tu Etre Mon Ami? By Molly Potter – Ages 7 to 9

This simple French book for kids is all about the importance of friendship and the part it plays in everyone’s lives. The book provides children with lots of useful tips about essential aspects of leadership such as sharing resources, empathizing with others, showing compassion for people in your group, and the strength it takes for someone to admit when they’re wrong and apologize. Forgiveness is also discussed here, which is another big aspect of being a good leader.

9.Dans La Peau Des Autres by Francine Labrie – Ages 9 to 14

Dans La Peau Des Autres book cover

Ida-Jane and Olivier are regular children, but they just so happen to have gay parents, which makes them targets for other children. This story is all about teaching children to be more understanding of others that are different from them and showing compassion and empathy for the people around them. It shows kids that to be a leader, they need to observe others to understand them better, because a good leader knows the people in their team very well. 

10. Textos Et Cie by Genevieve Guilbault – Ages 10 to 12

In this nine-volume series of French books for young adults, we follow Morgane and her friends Annabelle, Eddy, and Thomas on their adventures. Morgane is looking to create a school newspaper, and this story follows her through her trials and tribulations. The story teaches kids that there is strength in numbers, but also about how to take initiative as a leader and strive for your goals with purpose and determination. We also see why passion is also a big part of being a good leader.

Time to get reading!

We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of the top 10 best French books about leadership for kids. As always, we would love to hear your thoughts! If you read any of these books with your little ones, or if you have any suggestions on other books for young French learners, leave them in the comments below!

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