Individual sports are ideal for building your child’s independence and ambition. Many studies show that playing sports can greatly improve a child’s self esteem as well. With all these benefits, it’s clear that your child should continue to play their favourite sports.
In the classroom, your child is working hard to become fluent in French; and outside, they’re having a blast playing their favourite sports. Why not combine the two? We’ve compiled a list of French terms relating to some of the most popular individual sports.
Whether your child is on the swim team at school, or loves going biking with the family, learn these basic terms in French with your child to grow their vocabulary.
(Scroll to the end for a fantastic infographic that includes all these vocabulary words!)
La natation - swimming
- Nager - to swim
- La piscine - swimming pool
- Le couloir - lane
- Plonger - to dive
- Le maitre nageur / le sauveteur - lifeguard
- L’eau - water
- Le tremplin / la planche de plongée- diving board
- Les styles de natation - swimming styles
- La nage sur le dos - backstroke
- Le crawl - front crawl
- La brasse - breaststroke
- Le papillon - butterfly
- Un maillot de bain – swim suit
Le cyclisme - cycling
- Faire du vélo – to ride
- Un cycliste - a cyclist
- Un casque - helmet
- Un pneu - tire
- Un pneu crevé - a flat tire
- Une roue - wheel
- Une bicyclette / un vélo - bicycle
- Une pédale - pedal
- Un frein– the brake
- Une sonnette – the bell
- Une selle – the seat
La danse – dance
- Danser - to dance
- Le récital - recital
- La musique - music
- Un costume - costume
- Styles de danses - styles of dance
- Le ballet - ballet
- La danse moderne - modern dance
- La claquette - tap dancing
- La danse traditionnelle - ballroom dancing
- La danse jazz - jazz dancing
L’équitation - horseback riding
- Le cheval – horse
- Le cavalier – horseback rider
- La selle – saddle
- Le fer à cheval – horseshoe
- Le piste de course – race track
- Le valet d’écurie – stable boy
- Le cheval de course – racehorse
- Les actions d’équitation – horseback riding actions
- Le galop – gallop
- Le trot – trot
- Le saut – jump
- Le pas – walk
Infographic (stay turned for part 2!):
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