French Resources for Grades 2 to 5

french resources grades 2 to 5 featured image

The BEST French Resources for Ages 7 to 10!

The positives and advantages of your children speaking French as a second language are endless, but it’s not always easy to find the resources to help them succeed in building their French skills and knowledge. 


Fortunately, we’ve curated a list of the top resources to help boost your children’s French skills and knowledge. We cover everything from websites, to songs, to films, to books, and we’ve got a list made specifically for each age group. Below, you can find our rigorously researched list of French resources for students in grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, and grade 5!

The Best French Books for Grades 2 to 5

There is perhaps no better way to help learn and build language skills than by reading in that language, which in this case is the wonderful language of French! Reading helps with comprehension, word retention, and vocabulary. However, reading in your second language can become quite overwhelming if the reading you’re doing does not coincide with your learning level, especially if you’re a young student. 


With that in mind, we’ve swept through websites and book stores alike to find you the best French resources for kids from 7 and 10 years old so that the French books your children are reading don’t frustrate them, but instead entertain and teach them in a way that makes them want to read more French books! 


Below you can find a list of books we think would be excellent French resources for Grade 2 to Grade 5 students:

  1. Zut (collection) – Alain M. Bergeron
  2. Collection Noémie -Gilles Tibo
  3. Aubergine (collection)   – Roselyne Cazazian
  4. Les Dragouilles  (collection) – Mazim Cyr
  5. L’arbre généreux – Shel Silverstein
  6. Captain static (collection ) – Alain M. Bergeron
  7. L’agent Jean (collection “Bandes Dessinées”) – Alex A.
  8. Tintin “Bandes Dessinées” – Hergé

Best French Films & TV Shows for kids in Grades 2 to Grade 5

People and especially children learn in all sorts of different ways. Some learn better while reading or writing, but some are much more visual learners, and therefore require a bit more diversity in their learning tools. One of the best ways to go about learning French for a more visual learner is to do it through the magic of film and television.


Movies and TV shows are a great French resource for kids aged 7 to 10 because not only will they be practicing listening to the French language and becoming more familiar with it, they’ll also be enjoying themselves as they do it, which is a help to keeping kids interested in learning a second language. 


Here are the best movies and shows that we believe would serve as great French resources for students in Grades 2 to 5:


  1. All Disney films have French versions (and are easier to understand once they have already viewed them in English)
  2. Le grand méchant renard et autres contes
  3. La Guerre Des Tuques
  4. Kung Fu Panda (in French)
  5. Babine
  6. Une vie de chat
  7. Un monstre à Paris
  8. Les Triplettes de Belleville
  9. Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre
  10. Astérix: Le secret de la potion magique
  11. Astérix aux jeux olympique

Best French Songs for kids in Grades 2 to Grade 5

It was once said that music is the universal language of mankind, and we like to believe that’s true. Music is a great way to enjoy other languages and cultures, not to mention that it helps to relate to others as well. But it’s also a great way to learn and reinforce a child’s second language! 


Below you will find the playlist created by our amazing French teacher team with a few of the top French songs that we believe would serve as top French resources for kids aged 7 to 10:

grades 2 to 5 playlist cover

Best French Websites for kids in Grades 2 to 5

The internet is an enormous space where you can find tons of French resources of all kinds, shapes, and sizes. To help you cast a smaller, less overwhelming net when you’re searching on the worldwide web for French resources for your children aged 7 to 10, we scoured the internet and put together a list of the top French websites to help your students in Grades 2 through 5 thrive in a French environment!


  1. Boukili
Idello Logo

2. Idello

TFO logo
  1. 3.TFO
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