French Books Your Child Will Want To Read!

french books for kids

We surveyed more than 2000 French immersion families and asked only one question:

What is your #1 challenge in supporting your child in their French language journey?

The vast majority of parents responded:  

Finding FRENCH books my child WANTS to read and is ABLE to READ!

There also seemed to be a particular concern with gender appropriate books.

  • What do boys like to read?
  • What books really engage girls?

We went to work again, polling our teachers,  staff, family and friends in the French immersion field to expand on our previously published blog featuring books to help your French Immersion children:

40 French Books To Help Your FI Child

Knowing that new books are always popping up, we thought we would revisit this list. We’ve added more favourites and have identified the books that both boys and girls seem to prefer.

Of course, you will find in the BOOKS FOR EVERYONE section, a healthy list of books that are super interesting to both boys and girls so feel free to choose from that list as well! Don’t feel limited by our categorizations, feel free to take a look at books from any group!

We hope you find something your child will LOVE on this list!

Did we miss one of your child’s favourites? Let us know in the comment section below!

Feel free to share it, tweet it and pin it to spread the news and help other French immersion parents!

Discover new tips and the importance of reading with your child when you check out our popular article:

The importance of reading

Where to buy French books

If you’re not sure where you can find a French book, try your local library or one of the French bookstores below. If your child has an iPad, you can even download the Kindle App for free and download the book instantly through some of these online stores as well.

  • Archambault: online store
  • Librairie Pantoute: bookstore in Ottawa
  • Librarie du soleil: bookstore in Ottawa
  • online store
  • Chapters-Indigo: bookstore (wider selection available online)
  • Librairie Mosaique in Toronto: bookstore
  • Il était une fois: bookstore in Oakville.
  • Renaud-Bray: online store  

Do you know of any other French books your child loves that you want to add to the list? Share your top picks with us in the comments below!



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