Don’t Pick An Educational Summer Camp Until You Ask These 10 Questions

Having trouble picking a program for your child this summer?images-1

Feeling overwhelmed with the endless options?

If you’re like most parents, you want your child to have fun but you also want the program to be educational too! So how do you find a summer program with the right balance of fun and education?

Well, one of the greatest things about summer programs is that it allows children to learn in a non-structured fashion. They get the opportunity to roam and play in a way that they rarely get to experience inside a classroom.

When you integrate subtle educational value to the “free flow” summer camp environment, your child becomes actively engaged in their learning. Summer programs with educational value make learning fun!

Now you might be thinking, “that’s great and all, but how do I assess the educational value of a summer program?”

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place!

Today, I’ll walk you through the 10 questions you should ask the program director to determine the program’s level of commitment to education.

Let’s get started…

#1 “Who developed the program?” “What is their background and credentials?”

Creating an environment that makes learning fun is both an art and a skill. So be sure the director has the skill and expertise to develop fun and educational day-to-day activities that inspire kids to learn. Program contributors also play a vital role in program development. Strong program development teams have a variety of contributors with relevant background and expertise.

#2 What are the qualifications of the person delivering the program?

The person delivering the program is just as important as the person who developed it. You might want to know if the instructor has teaching experience or past experience delivering similar programs.

#3 Are there any activities that develop specific skills?

A good sign of an educational summer program is one that has activities specifically designed to target particular skills. When kids participate in activities that are laser-focused on developing specific skills, they learn faster and more effectively.imgres

#4 What standards does the summer program comply with?

Are there any provincial or federal standards that the program complies with?

#5 What is the focus of the program?


Is the program focused on theatre? Sports? Crafts? Or is it on educational activities like language, computers, or math?


#6 How are staff hired, screened and trained?


The quality of the staff has a big impact on your child’s experience. It’s important to be aware of the staff hiring process so you can judge how carefully staff is selected.


Equally important is training. Specialized training ensures all instructors are consistent in their approach to day-to-day activities, and are prepared to manage difficult situations.


#7 What does a typical daily schedule look like?


Is there a healthy balance between educational activities like reading, and fun activities like sports? The typical daily schedule should include a variety of activities and it should also maintain both educational and fun activities, too.


#8 What is the “culture”?


Is it a culture of competition? Or teamwork? Culture is important in fostering a healthy learning experience. Don’t be afraid to ask the director about the program’s culture so you can determine if it would be the right fit for your child.


#9 What is the quality of the material being used?


A summer program dedicated to education invests in top-quality learning material that supports the school curriculum. They also update their material yearly! So when you look for an educational summer  program, don’t be afraid to ask about the quality and relevance of the material being used.

#10 What do past  participants and parents say about the camp?

One of the most reliable ways to judge the educational value of a summer program is to get feedback from past  attendees. If you don’t know anyone who attended your summer program of choice, be sure to check out the program’s website (and other online reviews) for testimonials.

Are You Ready to Choose?


Do you now feel better equipped to pick a summer program for your child?

The right summer program can allow your child to grow and learn without even knowing it. It allows kids to develop leadership and social skills that aren’t typically taught in the

Use the questions to help make an informed decision and give your child the best summer experience to date!

Want to help your child maintain their French over the summer?

Why not register him or her for our French Day Camp this summer?
Click here for more information.

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