Top 35 French Films for Kids

It may seem like just fun, but the truth is that French films for kids offer an amazing opportunity to deepen their language skills.

In fact, the most effective and efficient way to learn a new language is to take it with you outside of the traditional learning setting. For kids, this is especially important. We know that they’re learning new French vocabulary and communication skills in the classroom, but what about outside of school?

Watching a fun French movie with your kids is the perfect way to incorporate French learning into their fun time, and you may even pick up a bit yourself!

We’ve compiled a list of 35 best French films (and TV series) for kids and for the whole family. For more info on how to access these films, read until the end.

Happy viewing!

French Movies for Kids: Grade 3 and under

Did you know that all Disney films have French versions? Watching the French edition after seeing the English version can make the stories easier for kids to understand. Here are some French film recommendations for kids in grade 3 and under.

La Reine des Neiges

La Reine des Neiges french film movie poster

La mystérieuse Mademoiselle C

la mystérieuse mademoiselle c French film movie poster

L’incomparable Mademoiselle C

l'incomparable mademoiselle c French film movie poster

The TV series “Passe-Partout”

passe partout tv show poster

Various TV series on Mini-TFO

mini tfo french content poster

Les contes de la nuit

Les contes de la nuit French film movie poster

Ernest & Celestine

Ernest & Celestine french film movie poster

Kirikou et la sorcière

kirikou et la sorcière French film movie poster

Le grand méchant renard et autres contes

Le Grand Mechant Renard is a great French Film for kids in grade 3 and under to watch

La Guerre Des Tuques (Snowtime!)

La Guerre Des Tuques (Snowtime!) French film movie poster

La Guerre Des Tuques 3D

La Guerre Des Tuques 3D French Film Movie Poster

French Movies for Kids: grade 4 and up

Le Journal d’Aurélie Laflamme

Le Journal d’Aurélie Laflamme French Film movie poster

À vos marques…Party!

a vos marques party French film movie poster

Kung Fu Panda (in French)

KUNG FU PANDA FRENCH film movie poster


Babine French film movie poster

Une vie de chat

Une vie de chat French film movie poster

Un monstre à Paris

Un monstre à Paris French film movie poster

Les Triplettes de Belleville

Les Triplettes de Belleville French film movie poster

Noémie – le secret

Noémie – le secret French film movie poster

Astérix et le domaine des Dieux

Asterix en 3D French Film movie poster

La grenouille et la baleine

La grenouille et la baleine French film movie poster

Les aventuriers du timbre perdu

Les Adventuriers Timbre perdu French film movie poster

French Movies for Teens

Le papillion bleu

Image result for le papillon bleu

Trois hommes et un couffin

Image result for trois hommes et un couffin

La grande seduction

la grande seduction French film movie poster

Kaamellot (YouTube comedy series)

Kaamellot - Funny French Youtube series

Les Boys (1, 2, 3 et 4)

Les Boys is a great movie series for teens to increase their French language skills via immersing in French film

French Movies for the Whole Family

Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre

Asterix & Obelix Mission Cleopatre is a fun French film for the whole family

Astérix: Le secret de la potion magique

Asterix: Le Secret de la potion magique French film movie poster

Astérix aux jeux olympique

Image result for asterix aux jeux olympiques

Le petit Nicolas (le film)

Image result for le petit nicolas

Maurice Richard

Image result for maurice richard film

Dans une galaxie près de chez-vous

Image result for dans un galaxie près de chez vous film

The TV series “Les Parent” on Radio-Canada

Les Parent is an awesome French film for people of all ages to enjoy while increasing their French comprehension

Les Choristes

Les Choristes is a wonderful French film to help the whole family develop their French comprehension and vocabulary

Le petit prince (2015)

Le petit prince movie poster

Where to find French films

Find these films and others at your local library, on Netflix, Amazon Video, or at the following links:

Happy watching!

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